Ascended Universe RP Wiki
"The multiverse.

It's a beautiful thing isn't it?

I believe so.

That's why I, the Gatekeeper, wish for you to join this multiverse.

Welcome to Ascended RP, a multiverse RP that is about...

Anime, Science Fiction, Horror, Video Games, Fantasy, Drama, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure... You name it!

Join now, as I welcome you to...

Ascended RP."

—The Gatekeeper.

<gallery type="slider"> Unknown-5.png|Characters|link=:category:characters|linktext=Read up about all the weird and wonderful characters of the Ascended Multiverse. Varexian Logo.png|Factions and Organizations|link=:Category:Organizations|linktext=Check out all the unique faction and organizations of the Ascended Multiverse. Space battle.jpeg|Conflicts|link=Category:Conflicts|linktext=Explore conflicts, from various battles, to catastrophic invasions.

Welcome to the Ascended Roleplay!

Greetings! You've either stumbled upon this wikia or are a member. Nonetheless, welcome to the Ascended RP. It was made by Gust_Flare, and is a discord server.

This roleplay series is about the multiverse, ranging from many universes, such as the Ascended.

We are creating the ultimate guide to the Ascended series and you can help! Discover, share and add your knowledge!

Join the official discord here:

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